學院消息CIOML News 5/31/2021

(English translation after Chinese text.)


匯點事工領袖學院的目標是培養領袖。培養領導力主要是品性素質的培養。我們肯定聖經知識和事工技能的重要性。 但知識和技能只有在具有領導素質的基督徒領袖手中才有意義。學院讓學員通過嚴格的課程結構來培養毅力。經歷課程後培養的身心紀律與學到的內容一樣寶貴。 

前一個星期六,5月22日,我被邀請為金門神學院位於Fremont的三藩市分校做畢業禮開會祈禱。 這也許是我去過的最歡樂愉快的畢業禮。感覺更像是高中畢業禮,盡管大多數是成年學生。那天畢業的人中有近一半是ADVANCE文憑畢業生。有這麼多近ADVANCE文憑畢業生其實近年在金門的畢業禮中很常見的。ADVANCE在金門具有高度的戰略意義。


現在考慮讀完證書和文憑之後下一步並不可以說是言之尚早。 其中一個可以考慮的是繼續攻讀碩士課程。 我已經在CIOML網站上發布了一些關于即將開放的金門中英雙語所Master of Theological Essentials的資料:



想繼續在CIOML參加更多的課程? 非常歡迎! 有一些ADVANCE的政策改讓這比以前更方便。你可以在這裏讀到它:

根據我們過去三個學期的經驗,為了更好地配合即將到來的變化,我們計劃從9月開始轉為以Semester為基礎的金門學年。 每個學年仍將有四個學期。 但各學期有不同的長度。 秋季(Fall)學期和春季(Spring)學期有15周;一月(January)學期有4周;夏季(Summer)學期有8周。 我們的大多數常規課程將在秋季和春季提供。 但在一月和夏季學期也會有一些密集的周末短期課程。 

6月和7月會有第一個短期課程關於理解和教導創世創世記,與匯點一年一度的聖經講座銜接。 可以在這裏找到更多資料。 

一般來說,短期課程可以免費就讀,完成之後再決定支付學費得到學分。請充分利用這個短期課程賺取學分,特別是如果你已經計劃參加該聖經講座。 你可以通過在免費課程網站上創建一個賬戶,然後自己注冊。



我邀請了一對被美南浸信會國際傳道部(International Mission Board)差派在東南亞負責粵語事工的宣教士夫婦,在下周一(6/7/2021 8-9:30PM)的浸信會傳統與實踐課程上做一個特別的分享。將是一場公開課。 請使用免費課程區的課程報名。

As we remember this day the heroes who fought to bring peace, we are reminded of the value of hard work. The peace and prosperity we enjoy today would be impossible without the brave souls who gave their blood and sweat.

With CIOML, our goal is to make leaders. Leadership development is mostly a matter of character cultivation. We recognize the importance of biblical knowledge and ministry skills.  But knowledge and skills are only meaningful in the hands of Christian leaders with the character to lead. Schools make students go through the rigor of structured programs to develop perseverance. The mental and physical discipline you develop from going through a program is as valuable as the content you learned.

I was invited to give the invocation for the graduation ceremony of the Fremont campus of the Gateway seminary on the Saturday before last on May 22.  It was perhaps the most cheerful graduation ceremony I have ever attended. It felt more like a high school graduation than a seminary commencement exercise, although most who graduated were mature adult students. Nearly half who graduated that day were ADVANCE diploma recipients. It turns out to be quite typical for most graduation ceremonies held by Gateway in recent years. ADVANCE is highly strategic at Gateway seminary.

I hope to give out CIOML diploma soon!

It is not too soon to think about what to do after you earn your diploma.  One option I encourage you to think about is to go on to a Master-level program.  I have put some information about the soon-to-be-open Gateway Chinese MTE program here.

You can also discover other opportunities at our affiliates, Truth Theological Seminary and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary here.  


If you want to continue to take more courses at CIOML, you are more than welcome. An ADVANCE policy change helps facilitate that. You can read about the policy change here:

Based on our experience in the last three terms and to better align with the impending changes, we plan to switch to the Gateway semester-based academic calendar starting in September.  There will still be four terms in an academic calendar and the  terms have different lengths.  There are 15 weeks in the Fall semester and the Spring semester; 4 weeks in the January term; 8 weeks in the Summer term.  Most of our regular courses will be offered in the Fall and Spring.  But there will also be some intensive weekend short courses in the January and summer terms.  The updated course and program syllabus will be available in the coming weeks.

The first short course will be on Understanding and Teaching Genesis. It piggybacks on the Crosspoint Bible Conference.  More information can be found here.  

A short course can generally be taken before freely first.  You can pay the tuition to claim the credit after finishing it.  Please take advantage of this course, especially if you are already planning to attend the CBI conference anyway.  You do that by creating an account on free courses site and then enroll yourself.  

The free courses site is powered by Moodle like the cioml.moodle.school site but it is open also to people who have not officially been admitted into CIOML.


I have invited a missionary couple serving among Cantonese-speaking people in Southeast Asia with the International Missionary Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to give a special sharing next Monday June 7 (8-9:30PM) at the Baptist Heritage and Practice course.  It will be an open session.  Please use the free courses area to register.