Summer 2023 Newsletter 夏季通訊





本人將教授兩門課程: 從5月29日開始,逢星期一晚上講授《新約詮釋》,逢星期二晚上講授《建立門徒》。


從秋季學期開始,我們將以 “異步模式” (asynchronous mode)提供一些以前已經教授過的課程。與我們目前的 “同步模式” (synchronous mode)授課不同之處,異步模式課程將沒有Zoom會議時間。同學每星期在自己方便的時候觀看講座視頻,並通過論壇參與討論。一些講座視頻將來自以前的Zoom錄影。其他視頻將是為此目的而新錄制的,還有從其他來源獲得額外的講座視頻。









Dear CIOML students,

With Easter behind us, we are getting ready for the summer term.

Our summer course offerings have been announced at the CIOML website.

Dr. Terry Fung of Truth Theological Seminary will teach Conflict Management in Ministry on Tuesdays, starting the week of May 9.

I will teach two courses: New Testament Exegesis on Mondays and Making Disciples on Tuesdays, starting the week of May 29.

If you have not been on Moodle for a while and have lost your password, please write an email to me and I can reset it for you.

Starting in the Fall term, we will offer some of our previously offered courses again in “asynchronous” mode. Unlike our current “synchronous” mode delivery, asynchronous courses will not have Zoom meeting time. Students will still follow a weekly schedule. They will watch the lecture videos at their own convenience and participate via discussion forum. Some of the lecture videos will come from previous Zoom meetings. Other videos will be newly recorded for this purpose.  There will also be additional lecture videos we acquire from other sources.

The synchronous mode delivery will remain for new courses. In 2023 to 2024, we are these synchronous courses:

Fall 2023: Biblical Hebrew 1 (Mon), New Testament Survey* (Mon), Effective Communication* (Tue), Basic Evangelism (Tue)

Spring 2024: Biblical Hebrew 2 (Mon), Old Testament Survey* (Tue), Working with Small Groups (Tue)

Summer 2024: Old Testament Exegesis (Mon), Foundations of Ministry (Tue)

We have been operating in partnership with Truth Theological Seminary via cross registration. Starting in the Fall, TTS will open its own ADVANCE center called Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership (TBCSL). The courses marked with asterisk (*) are offered at TBCSL. CIOML students can register at TBCSL like any other ADVANCE centers and have the credits earned there count towards the ADVANCE program they are in.

Thank you and I hope to see you in one of these classes!


Pastor Gideon Lee