信心與理性短期課程 Faith and Reason (金燈台事工協辦)

Meeting Online Friday 5-7PM (PST) 7/30/2021-9/3/2021


Ministry Leadership Experience: Faith and Reason is designed to utilize the content of an apologetic seminar series, Faith and Reason, organized by the Golden Lampstand Ministry as a launching point for a guided learning experience. The seminar series will have five meetings, every Friday evening, 5-7PM, from July 30 to August 27, 2021. In addition to attending the seminars, the students of this course will have a post-conference debriefing on September 3. This course gives ADVANCE students one academic credit based on attendance, notes, the post-conference dialogue, and a personal reflection paper.

This course is open for non-CIOML students to take without charge. If you decide that you want to earn the CIOML credit, you can pay the tuition ($35) at the end of the course after completing the work and become a CIOML student without the normal application fee.

《事工領導經驗: 信心與理性》利用金燈台事工的辯道學研討會系列,作為引導學習經驗的啓動點。「信心與理性 」在線研討會系列將有五次會議,從2021年7月30日至9月3日,每周五晚上5-7點。 除了參加研討會外,本課程的學生還將在9月3日舉行會後彙報會。根據出席情況、筆記、會後對話和個人反思論文,它給ADVANCE學生一個學術學分。

這是一個公開課程,歡迎還未入讀本院的朋友免費參加。 要獲得一學分,可在完成規定功課後支付學費($35),免報名費申請成為本院學員。


Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be better equipped to engage in evangelistic dialogues.

  1. Understand the meaning and method of apologetics.
  2. Develop a biblical perspective of the problem of evil.
  3. Identify the key scientific theories and hypotheses related the origin of the universe, including the Big Bang theory.
  4. Appreciate the philosophical concepts related to Intelligent Design.


  1. 理解辯道學的意義和方法。
  2. 從聖經的角度看惡的問題。
  3. 了解與宇宙起源有關的主要科學理論和假說,包括大爆炸理論。
  4. 了解與智能設計有關的哲學概念。


7/30 The Meaning and Method of Apologetics 辯道學的意義和方法 (Dr. K. Y. Chan, Dr. M. H. Chan)

8/6 Could Sufferings be Used to Deny the Existence of God? 苦難論否定上帝的存在嗎? (Dr. K. Y. Chan)

8/13 Could Sufferings be Used to Deny the Meaning of Life? 苦難難否定人生的意義嗎? (Dr. K. M. Kwan)

8/20 Christian Creationism: The Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe 基督教創造論: 大爆炸宇宙的起源 (Dr. M. H. Chan)

8/27 Christian Creationism: Intelligent Design 基督教創造論: 宇宙的智慧設計 (Dr. M. H. Chan)

9/3 Post-Conference Debriefing and Reflection 彙報和反思 Rev. Gideon Lee

Dr. Kai Yan Chan (陳啟恩博士) is Teaching Fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He receives his PhD from the Hong Kong University.

Dr. Man Ho Chan (陳文豪博士) is Associate Professor at the Education University of Hong Kong. He has a PhD in Physics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a PhD in Philosophy from the Hong Kong Baptist University.

Dr. K. M. Kwan (關啟文博士) is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at the Hong Kong Baptist University. He receives his DPhil from the University of Oxford.

Rev. Gideon Lee (李業基牧師) is Family and Milpitas Campus Pastor at Crosspoint Church. He receives his PhD from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


  1. Conference Attendance, Notes, and Reflection Paper 會議出席情況、筆記和反思論文 (70%)

Using their notes and dialogue from the conference, students should write a reflection paper. The paper should include:

• Key points of each session attended.
• Personal reaction to the information presented.
• Application to local church ministry.
• Key points learned from post conference dialogue.

學生應利用他們在會議上的筆記和對話,寫一篇反思文章。 該文件應包括
• 參加的每場會議的關鍵點。
• 個人對所提供信息的反應。
• 對當地教會事工的應用。
• 從會後對話中學到的要點。

  1. Debrief Group Dialogue 彙報小組對話 (30%)

Students participate in a 2-hour long group dialogue either in person or video conference (e.g. Zoom, Skype) to reflect on what they learned at the conference and share the most impactful moments, best practices, and takeaways.


Please login to the site area 匯點事工領袖學院(免費課程) and enroll in the course Faith and Reason 信心與理性.