CLL 1211 Christian Theology 基督教神學 I

ADVANCE Ministry Preparation

Sponsored by Gateway Seminary

CLL 1211 Christian Theology 基督教神學 I – 3 hours

Fall 2021

Every Monday, 9/20/2021-12/27-2021, 7:30-10PM on Zoom

Except: Hybrid meeting on Saturday 11/13, 10AM-1PM (with lunch) and no class on Monday 11/15

Crosspoint Institute of Ministry Leadership

Rev. Gideon Lee

Cantonese Instruction


An introduction to Christian Theology focusing on its nature, task, method, and application followed by a survey of the doctrines of Revelation, the Triune God, Creation, Humanity, and Sin.



Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be better able to:

  1. Express a clear understanding of the major Christian doctrines.
  2. Employ a theological method that includes Biblical exegesis, historical developments, philosophical insight, and experiential reality to articulate Biblical truth with accuracy, clarity and coherence;
  3. Be knowledgeable of a variety of theological approaches and methodologies;
  4. Articulate their own personal theological positions; and
  5. Function as responsible pastoral theologians in applying Christian truth to contemporary life.


  1. 明確理解主要的基督教教義。
  2. 運用釋經、歷史、哲學和現實體驗等神學方法,準確、清晰、連貫地闡明聖經真理。
  3. 了解各種神學角度和方法。
  4. 闡明自己的個人神學立場。和:
  5. 作為教牧神學人,將基督的真理運用到當代生活中。


One of the following three:

Option A (English):

Millard Erickson, Christian Theology, 3rd ed. (Baker Academic, 2013).

ISBN-13: 978-0801036439

Available for purchase here. (Kindle edition is fine.)

Option B (Chinese):

Alternatively, the first and second volumes in the 3-volume Chinese translations.

艾利克森 Millard J. Erickson基督教神學, 三卷(中華福音神學院 2000, 2002, 2002)




Available for mail order at US Tiendao 北美天道書樓 ( 

Option C (English):

Akin, Daniel L., ed. A Theology for the Church. Rev. ed. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2014.

Akin’s volume is a collection of topical chapter contribution by leading Baptist theologians. Chinese translation of selected chapters will be provided by the instructor.


Boice, James Montgomery. Foundations of the Christian Faith:  A Comprehensive and Readable Theology. Rev & exp. IVP Academic, 2019.

Conyers, A. J. A Basic Christian Theology. 2nd ed. Edited by Jacob Shatzer. St. Augustine Press, 2019.

Grenz, Stanley. What Christians Really Believe & Why. WJK, 1998.

Humphreys, Fisher. Thinking About God. Insight Press, 1994.

Milne, Bruce. Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief. 3rd ed. IVP, 2009.


  1. Class attendance and participation 課堂出勤和參與 (10%)
    Class attendance and participation are critical to the learning process. Students should attend and properly prepare for every class meeting.  課堂出席和參與對學習過程至關重要。學員需要出席課堂,並為之做適當的預備。
  1. Reading 閱讀 (15%)
    One of the three choices. 三種選擇之一。
  1. Open Book Weekly quizzes 開卷每週測驗 (15%)

There will be a multiple choice quiz every week to test the students of their understanding of the reading and lecture materials. 每周將舉行多項選擇測驗,以測試學生對閱讀和演講材料的理解。

  1. Personal theological positions個人神學立場 (15%)
    Students will write a series of short responses to theological topics covered in this course. The responses should be posted on Moodle.  Each response should be less than 500 English words or 750 Chinese characters.
  2. Theological interviews 神學訪談 (15%)
    Students will conduct three interviews using the topics for the personal positions papers. Students should consolidate notes and views of interviews, which should be about 1-3 pages per interview. One of the interviews will be with a layperson from their church not in the class. One will be with a pastor or ministry leader at their church. One will be with someone who does not attend their church, either Christian or not. (These can be turned into presentations but should not include names of interviewees.)  學員將利用個人神學立場的主題進行三次訪談。學生應該整合採訪的筆記和觀點,每次採訪的篇幅應該在1-3頁左右。其中一次採訪的對象是他們教會中不在班上的平信徒。一次是他們教會的牧師或事工領袖。一次是不參加他們教會的人,是基督徒還是非基督徒均可。(這些都可以寫成報告,但不應該包括被採訪者的名字)。
  1. Open Book Final exam 開卷期末考試 (30%)

There will be a final exam as noted in the schedule below. The final exam will be a comprehensive exam, focusing on the readings and class lectures throughout the semester. 將有一次期末考試,具體時間安排見下文。期末考試將是一次綜合考試,重點是整個學期的閱讀和課堂講授。