If you are visiting the CIOML website for the first time, here are four quick notes about this school.
First, CIOML operates as an affiliate of the Gateway Seminary, offering courses based on the ADVANCE program. You can learn about the ADVANCE program here: https://www.gs.edu/academics/degrees/advance/.
Second, CIOML is supported by the Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley (https://www.crosspointchurchsv.org/) and by a partnership with the Truth Theological Seminary (https://truthseminary.org/). Our instructors are drawn primarily from the pastoral staff members at Crosspoint Church and the faculty of the Truth Theological Seminary.
Third, CIOML offers remote evening courses (Pacific Time). Our courses are delivered via Zoom (https://www.zoom.us/) and the Moodle online learning management platform. Our current planned course offerings in the next 3 years can be found here at https://cioml.org/2022/08/24/updated-course-offering-plan/. We plan to offer programs and courses in Cantonese and in English.
Fourth, CIOML seeks to make theological education affordable. Read about our latest tuition rates and cost-saving service recommendations for students here: https://cioml.org/2022/08/24/new-tuition-and-service-recommendations/
Ready to enroll yourself into CIOML? Start by completing this online application form: https://www.gs.edu/advance-student-application/