Fall 2022
Zoom Classroom
Instructor: Dr. Terry Fung 教授: 馮嘉樂牧師
Email 電郵: Terry.Fung@TruthSeminary.org
Tuesday class: 7:30-10pm (Cantonese) 週二班:晚上 7:30-10(粵語)
9/13/2022 – 12/6/2022 (12 Sessions) 15 hours of online video and exercises 15 小時在線視頻和練習
A study of the principles and dynamics of supervision as they relate to ministry staff and volunteers. The course focuses on supervision as ministry and investigates models of supervision, stages and systems in supervision, authority and accountability, guidance and direction, motivation, and conflict in the process of supervision.
本課程探討和研究督導理論與實踐的原則和動態, 特別是在教會的教牧同工和志願工作人員的範圍,本課程以教會事工督導為重點,探討督導的模式、督導的階段和製度、督導的權力和責任、指導、激勵、和督導過程中的衝突。
Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate: 成功完成本課程後,學生應該能夠更好地:
- Develop a working definition of supervision/leadership as it relates to ministry 制定督導(監察/領導)的定義。
- Develop skills for effective leadership and supervision 建立有效的督導技巧。
- Understand similarities and differences in leading volunteers and staff 了解督導受薪的教牧同工和志願者工作人員的異同。
- Understand the basics of conflict within leadership and supervision systems. 了解督導角色與督導系統內部衝突的根本原因。
These objectives will be measured by class discussion, written exams, and writing. 這些目標將通過課堂討論、筆試、和寫作來衡量。