Partner News: 美國加州浸信會金門神學院 (Gateway Seminary)中英雙語所神學必備文憑 CEB Diploma in Theological Essentials (DPTE)

美國加州浸信會金門神學院 (Gateway Seminary), 中英雙語所 (CEB, Chinese-English Bilingual Program), 主旨在提供國際化的高規格神學教育, 塑造普世華人浸信會/教會的頂尖領袖。

Description 概述

Gateway diploma programs allow a person lacking an undergraduate degree to gain access to curriculum providing ministry preparation but without admission into a master’s degree program. The Diploma in Theological Essentials (Dp.T.E.) is intended to provide core theological training, primarily for lay ministry leaders or ministry leaders receiving vocational training in a church setting or in another academic setting. The diploma program meets the expressed needs of churches and students requesting a “shorter” program similar in size to traditional diploma and master’s degrees in other disciplines, and focused on core biblical and theological training commonly included in an M.Div. degree, but often unavailable in church-based vocational ministry training. As a result, the Dp.T.E. includes the established Gateway theological core (24 hrs.), Introduction to Ministry Formation, Theological Field Education, and Reflection on Ministry Formation (6 hrs.), and three courses focused on biblical/theological foundations.

金門神學院的文憑課程, 允許缺乏本科學士學位的人, 獲准修課預備事奉, 但無需經由碩士學位申請。中英雙語所 (CEB) 的神學必備文憑 The Diploma in Theological Essentials (Dp.T.E.), 主旨是為在教會或其他學術單位的平信徒領袖, 提供核心神學裝備, 滿足教會和學生對較短學位的需求, 著重道學碩士M.Div.程度的基礎聖經和神學訓練, 卻是教會無法提供的內容, 包括神學核心課程 (24學分), 事奉領導課程 (6學分), 及三門聖經神學課程。課程設計每學期兩門課, 加上冬季夏季密集班, 三年完成學位。

Diploma Objectives 學位目標

The following Dp.T.E. diploma objectives provide a broad statement of educational objectives central to the program. Each diploma objective includes a parenthetical list of courses required in the Dp.T.E. curriculum. For each required course, the faculty has prepared a course template which expresses more detailed course objectives seen as constituent parts of the broader degree objective. All instances of these courses, whether taught by permanent faculty or adjuncts are to be taught in accord with these templates. Dp.T.E. graduates should:

1. Exhibit an introductory graduate-level understanding of the Bible’s content, contexts, structure, and message; and demonstrate the ability to conduct solid research with a goal of properly applying the Bible to modern life. (S1112, S1113, S1312, S1313, S2521)

2. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the Christian historical, theological, and ethical frameworks commonly held in the believers’ church tradition to sustain ministerial leadership to God’s glory. (L1111, L1112, L1211, L1212, L1411)

3. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the Christian ethical framework commonly held in the believers’ church tradition to sustain ministerial leadership to God’s glory. (L1411)

4. Understand and establish appropriate life and ministry focus, priorities, and boundaries. (P1111, P1116)

5. Identify and affirm God’s shaping of the student as to calling, ministry giftedness, strengths and growth edges, and personality dynamics. (P1121-22)

Dp.T.E. 神學必備文憑目標為課程的核心提供了廣泛的陳述。每個文憑目標均包含神學必備文憑

  1. 聖經神學: 對聖經內容、背景、結構和信息的入門理解, 表現出紮實的研究能力, 將聖經正確應用于生活, (舊約概論 I, II; 新約概論 I, II; 基礎釋經學) 。
  2. 歷史神學: 對教會傳統的基督教歷史、神學、以及倫理有足夠的了解, 在領導事奉中榮耀神。
    (教會歷史 I, II; 基督教神學 I, II; 浸信會傳統與實踐) 。
  3. 基督教倫理: 表現出對信徒教會傳統中普遍持有的基督教倫理框架有足夠的了解, 足以在領導事工中榮耀神, (基督教倫理學) 。
  4. 事奉定位: 理解並建立適當的生活和事奉重點、優先和界線, (事奉操練入門; 事奉操練回顧) 。
  5. 事奉領導: 識別並肯定神在呼召、恩賜、長處和成長潛力以及個性的塑造, (事奉領導實習) 。

Essential Leadership Competencies 基本領導能力

The Essential Leadership Competencies (ELCs) for the Diploma in Theological Essentials are the same as those for the standard Master of Theological Essentials. The Dp.T.E. Essential Leadership Competencies are listed on the same page as the standard M.T.E.

金門神學院的使命是塑造基督徒領袖, 促使教授群以開發基本領導能力 (Essential Leadership), 培養學生成為成熟有果效的領袖, 為學位和課程目標提供依據, 並作為完成學位時參考的試金石。

Vocational Roles 事奉目標

The Dp.T.E. does not attempt to prepare students for a specific vocational role in the church, but seeks to provide the biblical and theological foundation needed for all ministry.

神學必備文憑Dp.T.E. 是為所有事奉提供必備的聖經和神學基礎裝備。

Course Requirements 必修課程

School of Theology神學                                                                                 Course#          Hours

Old Testament Introduction I     舊約概論 I                                                       S1112              3

Old Testament Introduction II   舊約概論 II                                                      S1113              3

New Testament Introduction I   新約概論 I                                                       S1312              3

New Testament Introduction II  新約概論 II                                                      S1313              3

Biblical Hermeneutics              基礎釋經學                                                     S2521              2

Church History                         教會歷史 I                                                       L1111              3

Church History II                     教會歷史 II                                                      L1112              3

Baptist Heritage and Practice    浸信會傳統與實踐                                          L1113              2

Christian Theology I                 基督教神學 I                                                   L1211              3

Christian Theology II                基督教神學 II                                                  L1212              3

Christian Ethics                        基督教倫理學                                                  L1411              2


School of Christian Leadership 領導

Introduction to Ministry Formation*                  事奉操練入門                          P1111              1

Reflection on Ministry Formation*                    事奉操練回顧                          P1116              1

Leadership in Ministry Practicum I & II**          事奉領導實習                          P1121-22         4+

                                                                            畢業基本學分Minimum hours to graduate 36

*P1111 must be taken in the student’s first or second semester. P1116 must be taken in the student’s last or next to last semester.

** P1121 and P1122 must be taken in two consecutive terms. A total of 4 semester-hours credit for the courses will be given at the end of the second term. No credit is earned if both courses are not completed. Students must remain in the same Peer Reflection Group for the two terms. These are variable credit courses with a maximum of 4 semester-hours available for each semester.

For full-time student verification, students must be registered for 9 semester hours in any given semester and 24 hours for the year. VA students, please see the Registrar for full-time student verification and additional information.

* P1111學生必需在入學第一學期或第二學期修課, P1116必需在最後一個學期或之前學期修畢。

** P1121和P1122必需連續修課兩學期, 在第二學期末, 總共修到4個學分, 如果兩個課程都沒有完成, 則沒有學分。這兩個學期學生必需留在同一個同儕反思小組中, 彈性學分課程,每個學期最多可得4學分。

為滿足全時間學生要求, 學生每學期必需修課9個學分, 一年24個學分。後備軍人學生, 請向註冊辦公室查詢全時間學生要求和其他信息。




