有效溝通 Effective Communication (2023 秋季 CLP 3440 TBCSL)

介紹事工和領導的有效溝通。本課程將涵蓋理解溝通的藝術以及參與和練習實施重要技能以改善對話。改善溝通有利於事工的健康和福音的有效性。An introduction to effective communication for ministry and leadership. This course will cover understanding the art of communication along with engagement and practice implementing important skills to improve conversations. Improved communication benefits ministry health and effectiveness in the Gospel.

Download Syllabus PDF: TBCSL_FA23_CLP3440_Effective_Communication

ADVANCE Ministry Preparation

Sponsored by Gateway Seminary

CLP 3440 Effective Communication (Cantonese) – 3 Hours

有效溝通 (粵語)

Fall 2023

9/12/2023 – 11/28/2023 (12 sessions 12節課)

Tuesday class: 7:00-10pm (US Pacific time)

週二班:晚上 7:00-10(美國太平洋時間)

Plus 15 hours of online video and exercises 15 小時在線視頻和練習

ADVANCE Center: Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership (TBCSL)

Zoom Online Classroom

Instructor: Mr. Yau Hang Gideon Chan 講師: 陳友恒老師

Email: gideon.chan@truthseminary.org


Upon the successful completion of this course, the student should: 成功完成本課程後,學生應該:

  1. Be familiar with the biblical foundations of communication. 熟悉溝通的聖經基礎。
  2. Understand how communication can affect ministry and leadership. 了解溝通如何影響事工和領導。
  3. Understand important methods and skills for effective communication. 了解有效溝通的重要方法和技巧。
  4. Improve in ability to foster healthy, productive conversations. 提高促進健康、富有成效的對話能力。
  5. Be able to use the skills learned in their daily habits of communication. 能夠將學到的技巧運用到日常的交流習慣中。
  6. Improve their ability to communicate the Gospel with greater effectiveness. 提高他們更有效地傳播福音的能力。

These objectives will be measured by class discussion, written exams, and practice, and writing. 這些目標將通過課堂討論、筆試、實踐和寫作來衡量。